
CineFAM Is Launching a Women of Color Content Creator Database

CineFAM is introducing a new initiative: a Women of Color (WOC) Content Creator Database. Set to launch soon on the Canadian not for profit company’s website, the goal of the database will be “to enhance the visibility of women of Color in the film industry (directors, content creators, producers, screenplay writers, animators, motion design, etc.) in hopes of widening their networks and accessibility to larger resources,” a press release details. The database will “consist of an abundance of Women of Color Filmmakers and creators within the film industry.”

“This database is a step forward for WOC filmmakers’ voices to be heard and their work to be seen. CineFAM’s mission is to promote and broaden the visibility of women of color in the film industry and provide paths to a larger network,” said CineFAM founder Frances Anne Solomon. “We look forward to welcoming as many new filmmakers as possible.”

Those who identify as WOC filmmakers or creators (director, videographer, screenplay writer, actress etc.) can apply here.

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