
Exclusive: A Feminist Porn Director and Actress Speaks Out in This Red Band Clip of “Morgana”


A 50-year-old woman reflects on her evolving relationship with her body in our exclusive red band clip of “Morgana.” The doc sees its central character’s life take an unexpected turn after ending her loveless and sexless marriage to a man who shamed her for her weight. She becomes a feminist porn director and star.

“My poor body has had to listen to everybody else’s needs and requirements,” says Morgana in the clip, as her nude body is adorned in ropes. “Now it’s about leaving it alone and just saying, ‘Thank you body. I appreciate you for just getting me through to here.'”

“Morgana” will premiere at Fantasia Film Festival August 20. Isabel Peppard and Josie Hess directed the doc.

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