Helen Mirren Kicks Ass At the Women in Entertainment Breakfast

My day is made. You have to watch this video. I love this woman.

Mirren received the Sherry Lansing Leadership Award yesterday morning at the annual Hollywood Reporter Women in Entertainment breakfast.

Here’s some of what she said:

Unappreciated, underused or ill used, undervalued, undernourished, uneducated, unsung. What is happening to that incredible global resource called women? The only future of the human race.

I resent having witnesses in my life the survival of some mediocre male actors and the professional demise of brilliant female ones.

With all respect to you many brilliant and successful women in this room really not much has changed in the cannon of Hollywood filmmaking that continues to worship at the altar of the 18–25 year old male and his penis.

Watch the video after the jump

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