Hollywood Feminist of the Day: Jon Hamm

He might play a lout on Mad Men (when the hell is that show coming back on the air?) but he sure is not one in real life.

The cast of Mad Men hosted a benefit for the Rape Treatment Center in LA and Hamm made such great comments about the importance of male role models and how he was raised by a single mom.

He laso revealed that he worked as a teacher and in a day care center. If anyone can take away the stigma of men having those jobs it is Don Draper.

Here’s what he said:

It is an important thing to instill in a younger generation about the impact of rape, the lasting impact of rape. Children from grade school to high school to college are incredibly susceptible and incredibly malleable, as we all know. To get them early, to teach them about the facts and figures and other realities of rape is key. It is an important issue to me as not only a man, but as an educator, as a human being and as a person on this planet.”

Cue swoon.

Another idea, maybe someone should put him in an ad for encouraging more men to work in day care centers.

Mad Men’s Jon Hamm Reveals He Had “No Real Male (E!)

h/t Jezebel

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