Documentary, News

Katie Couric and Stephanie Soechtig to Take on Gun Violence in New Doc

After tackling America’s obesity epidemic in the “sugar is the new tobacco” documentary Fed Up, Katie Couric and director Stephanie Soechtig are reteaming to take a hard look at another nationwide plague: gun violence.

Their new film will focus on gun-control laws and the history of the NRA. As with Fed Up, Couric will produce alongside Regina K. Scully, as well as conduct interviews for and narrate the documentary.

“We hope we can deconstruct this complex issue and give people a better understanding of existing and proposed gun laws and take a closer look at one of the most polarizing issues of our time,” Couric said.

[via THR]

AFI DOCS and Provincetown Fests Will Open and Close with Women-Directed Pics

Cannes, this is how it’s done: projects from female filmmakers are set to kick off and conclude both AFI DOCS and Provincetown International Film Festival. AFI DOCS, a documentary fest in the...

Hot Docs 2018 Women Directors: Meet Laura Bari — “Primas”

Laura Bari made her full-length debut with “Antoine,” a documentary about the imaginary life of a blind boy. The film was shown at 30 festivals around the world and won over a dozen prizes. She...

Hot Docs 2018 Women Directors: Meet Alba Sotorra — “Commander Arian”

Alba Sotorra is an independent filmmaker and producer based in Barcelona. She has directed a number of documentaries, including “Unveiled Views,” which premiered at Guadalajara International...

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