
Lauren Faust to Direct Animated Comedy About Medusa

After Maleficent made $170 million in international ticket sales in its opening weekend, it was almost inevitable that studio execs would sit around in their offices on Monday morning thinking of ways they could replicate the sucess of the latest sympathetic, feminist retelling of a popular fairy tale.

Here’s what they apparently came up with: an animated origin story about one of the least liked and likable female characters in the Western canon: Medusa. Though the Gorgon hails from Greek mythology and not the Grimm brothers, the tale of Medusa, who was punished with a head full of snakes for being too proud of her pre-ophidian beauty, shares with European fairy tales a warning against the dangers of female vanity.

Since Medusa is best known as the heroic Perseus’ nemesis, perhaps the comedy will be action-packed as well.

After accepting a pitch from Todd Alcott and Holly Golden, Sony Animation tapped Lauren Faust to helm the film.

“I was excited by the idea of showing the comedy behind an otherwise horrific monster, and I was really drawn to the writer’s unique re-imagining of Greek mythology,” Faust said. “In our story, we meet Medusa as a young human, who, like so many of us, is overwhelmed with trying to fit a certain mold to please others.”

Faust was previously the executive producer of the debut season of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. She won an Emmy for a Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends special.

There is no word yet on when we should expect Medusa in theatres.

[via Deadline]

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