Best known for squaring off against a cyborg assassin in “The Terminator,” Linda Hamilton is taking on a ruthless character who gets someone else to do her bidding — her daughter. Variety reports that Hamilton is playing a crime matriarch in “Easy Does It,” a road drama that sees Hamilton’s character “sending her daughter and personal bounty hunter on a cross-country chase after the film’s anti-heroes.”
Currently shooting in Louisiana, “Easy Does It” is a co-production between EFI Productions and Worklight Pictures. The pic is directed by Will Addison, produced by Lizzie Guitreau, and exec produced by Alexa Georges.
“I love working with new talented directors, and seeing works that are personal and so hard-won come into full bloom,” Hamilton commented.
Addison added, “It’s a weird and wild role and Linda is the only one with the right energy to pull it off. She’s fearless, electric, and super fun. We’re fortunate to have her join our team and bring this film to life. ”
Hamilton played famed badass Sarah Connor in “The Terminator” and “Terminator 2: Judgement Day.” Her more recent credits include “Lost Girl,” “Defiance,” and “Chuck.”