Documentary, Interviews, News, Podcast

Listen: Women and Hollywood Podcast #19: ‘The Armor of Light’ Director Abigail Disney

In “The Armor of Light,” documentarian Abigail Disney journeys to the belly of conservative America to try and understand how you can be “pro-life” and pro-gun. She tracks Reverend Rob Schenck, a far-right anti-abortion leader and evangelical minister, as he struggles to spread a message of gun control in a constituency that doesn’t want to hear it. The conversations that he starts are timely — and will hopefully spark more discussions to break through this crazy, ideological logjam that our country is stuck in.

Melissa Silverstein spoke with Disney about the (currently) unpopular stance of being both pro-gun and “pro-life,” where feminism fits in the political battles over guns and how the director developed a really warm friendship with her subject even though they have so many ideological differences between them.

Listen on iTunes or via SoundCloud below.

In Her Voice News Brief, May 31

Note: We are going to be sharing the transcripts from the podcasts when we can. Transcript from Podcast on May 31. If you would rather listen, click here. Holiday weekends inevitably lead to quieter...

In Her Voice Podcast Episodes- May 26

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In Her Voice News Brief- May 17, 2023

Check out our latest news brief talking about why the Cannes Film Festival is important and problematic. Listen on Spotify Listen on Apple

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