Films, News, Women Writers

Meryl Streep Backs Writers Lab for Women Screenwriters Over 40

Meryl Streep is once again putting her money where her mouth is and supporting women in the film industry. The “Ricki and the Flash” star has signed on for the second time to fund The Writers Lab, a four-day intensive workshop for twelve female screenwriters over the age of 40.

In 2015 women comprised only 11% of the writers behind the top 250 grossing movies. And of the top 100 earning films that year, males 40 and over comprised 54% of all male characters, whereas females 40 and over accounted for 34% of all female characters. As many studies have demonstrated, who works behind the scenes affects who is seen onscreen. So this one-of-a-kind Lab is all too necessary.

This year’s retreat will take place from September 22 to 25 in New York. Mentors include Gina Prince-Bythewood (“Beyond the Lights”), Kirsten Smith (“Legally Blonde”) and Meg LeFauve (“Inside Out”).

Applications will be accepted from February 1 to April 14. Please note that early bird and late fees will apply.

See below for eligibility and requirements. For more information and application instructions, visit The Writers Lab’s site.

Streep will next be seen in “Florence Foster Jenkins,” a biopic of the American socialite and wannabe opera singer.


  • Applicants must be female and at least 40 years old, that is, born on or prior to January 31, 1976.
  • Applicants must be US Citizens or Permanent Residents.
  • Submissions must be feature-length narrative scripts in English. (No TV scripts, shorts, plays, book excerpts, or documentaries.)
  • Scripts by more than one writer will be considered, but all writers must be female, and only one writer can attend The Lab.
  • Applicants may submit up to three (3) scripts, with a separate application for each script submitted.
  • The Lab seeks a broad selection of screenplays across all genres of fiction. (Drama, comedy, horror, action, thriller, science fiction, animation, etc) Scripts may be about any topic and do not specifically need to be about women.
  • The Lab seeks submissions from all racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and cultural groups.


The following materials are required for your application and must be submitted electronically:

  • Contact Information
  • Logline
  • Synopsis (up to 500 wds)
  • Personal Statement (up to 500 wds)
  • PDF of a feature-length narrative screenplay

[via Indiewire]

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