A female-centric adaptation of Game of Thrones author George R. R. Martin’s short stories is headed to the big screen.
Milla Jovovich, one of the movies’ best-known female action stars, is in talks to star in In the Lost Lands. The fantasy adventure’s creative team will interweave three plot threads from Martin’s work. Here are the stories’ descriptions from the press release:
In one thread, the desperate queen of a city built into a towering mountain hires the sorceress Gray Alys (Jovovich) to travel into the ghostly wasteland called the Lost Lands, to obtain the gift of shape-shifting into a werewolf, but she doesn’t realize that the fulfillment of her wish will come at a terrible price.
Meanwhile, warrior girl Sharra must fight a dragon that serves as the gatekeeper of seven worlds to reunite with her lost lover Kaydar. During this quest she meets the mysterious lord of a deserted castle, Laren Dorr, who seduces her so completely that she forgets her quest and stays with him, unaware that he is the real gatekeeper.
And in the futuristic tale Bitterblooms, a young barbarian girl gets spellbound by a lonely witch in a spacecraft, who shows her beauty and love, which turns out to be a net of lies and deceit.
[via Deadline]