News, Women Writers

New ‘Suffragette’ Poster Art Released on Emmeline Pankhurst Day

On the occasion of Emmeline Pankhurst Day, devoted to the political activist who played a pivotal role in securing British women the right to vote, official “Suffragette” poster art has been released. Pankhurst will be portrayed by Meryl Streep in the upcoming drama directed by Sarah Gavron, written by Abi Morgan and co-starring Carey Mulligan, Helena Bonham Carter and Anne-Marie Duff.

“Suffragette” is being released in the throes of a gender quake in Hollywood, and while it’s surprising that it’s taken this long for a film like this to be made, somehow the timing feels fortuitous. As Mulligan’s character says in the movie’s trailer, women are “half the human race. You can’t stop us all.”

The one-sheet poster art features Bonham Carter, Mulligan and Streep, who are identified as “Mothers. Daughters. Rebels.” They stare at the camera with unwavering confidence, as though they’re daring you to challenge them. This is definitely a trio you want on your side.

The experience of playing Pankhurst seems to have inspired Streep in particular to march onward in the fight for gender equality outside the industry. The actress recently sent every House rep and senator a letter asking Congress to (finally) make gender equality a part of the US Constitution. “I am writing to ask you to stand up for equality — for your mother, your daughter, your sister, your wife or yourself — by actively supporting the Equal Rights Amendment,” Streep wrote. All members of Congress also received a copy of the book “Equal Means Equal” by Jessica Neuwirth, president of the ERA Coalition.

“Suffragette” will open the London Film Festival on October 7 and will come to US theaters on October 23.

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