The U.S. rights to Rosemary Myer’s debut feature, “Girl Asleep,” have been acquired by Oscilloscope Laboratories. Set in Australia in the 1970s, the coming-of-age tale centers on Greta Driscoll (Bethany Whitmore, “The Family Law”), a low-profile loser whose social life takes a turn when her parents throw her a surprise party for her 15th birthday. The soiree isn’t as intimate as you’d imagine given that Greta is a wallflower — the guest list includes the entire student body of her school. “[S]uddenly Greta’s flung far from her comfort zone into a distant, parallel place — a strange world that’s a little frightening and a lot weird, but only there can she find herself,” the press release describes. Greta’s story — which is giving us “The Diary of a Teenage Girl” vibes — is an “enchanting journey into the absurd — and sometimes scary — depths of the teenage mind.”
The film made its world premiere at the Adelaide Film Festival and will have its North American unveiling at the upcoming Seattle International Film Festival.
“We were thrilled to hear Oscilloscope was coming on board to distribute our film in America,” said Myers. “It’s an amazing feeling to know that the story of Greta Driscoll, into which we poured our own sensibilities, experiences, and lateral imaginations, has resonance half a world way. We had an exhilarating time making this film (which was a first for me) and we hope the American audiences have lots of fun with it.”
Oscilloscope’s Dan Berger commented, “We’ve all been in grade school and we’ve all struggled to fit in and Rosemary’s unique and singular depiction of both experiencing and overcoming that will surely resonate with audiences. It makes me wish I could be back in high school, but I can’t, so instead I’ll just listen to this Tool album and pretend I am.”
No word on a release date yet.