Sexism Watch: Vanity Fair’s New Hollywood Cover

It’s not the picture that bothers me (except the women do look really glassy eyed) as much as the tired bullshit teaser heading that accompanies the photo:

Annie Leibovitz photographs the nine dolls on V.F.’s cover, as Evgenia Peretz explains why Anna Kendrick, Kristen Stewart, Carey Mulligan, et al. are nobody’s playthings.

DOLLS? Seriously? WTF?

These are talented women! If that was a headline on a picture I was in, I would be mortified. I want to know who wrote that and if they really thought the word DOLL made sense. All the editors should be ashamed.

I swear every time we make a big leap forward a la Bigelow’s DGA win, there is someone with a pitchfork ready to put us back in our places.

Use this link to send a letter to the editor telling him what you think.

In Her Voice News Brief, May 31

Note: We are going to be sharing the transcripts from the podcasts when we can. Transcript from Podcast on May 31. If you would rather listen, click here. Holiday weekends inevitably lead to quieter...

In Her Voice Podcast Episodes- May 26

This week on the news brief we focus on Cannes including a bit on Jennifer Lawrence. In the weekly interview, we chat with Erica Saleh, showrunner and member of the WGA negotiating committee. She...

In Her Voice News Brief- May 17, 2023

Check out our latest news brief talking about why the Cannes Film Festival is important and problematic. Listen on Spotify Listen on Apple

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