#Fed Up 3
Katie Couric and Stephanie Soechtig to Take on Gun Violence in New Doc
After tackling America’s obesity epidemic in the “sugar is the new tobacco” documentary Fed Up, Katie Couric and director Stephanie Soechtig are reteaming to take a hard look at another...
Fed Up Director Stephanie Soechtig on Voting with Our Forks, Working with Katie Couric, and the Power of Knowledge
“For the past 30 years, everything we thought we knew about food and exercise is dead wrong. Fed Up is the film the food industry doesn’t want you to see. From Katie Couric, Laurie David and...
Trailer Watch: Food Industry Scrutinized in Fed Up
“This is the first generation of American children expected to lead shorter lives than their parents,” intones a talking head in Stephanie Soechtig’s sugar expose Fed Up. “Over 95% of all...
Stephanie Soechtig’s Sundance Doc Fed Up Sold
Tracy Droz Tragos and Andrew Droz Palermo’s Rich Hill was the nonfiction jury favorite at this year’s Sundance, but the documentary that’s arguably received the most Park City attention is...