#Nicole Maines
Quote of the Day: “Supergirl’s” Nicole Maines Advocates for More Nuanced Trans Characters
“I think it’s that more and more trans characters [can] be less than perfect and be a–holes and be the villains,” Nicole Maines tells Variety in a new feature. “We can look at them,...
Trailer Watch: Nicole Maines Sinks Her Teeth into LA in “Bit”
“You know those teen vampire movies that feel like the horny soap opera fever dreams of an eighth grade diary? Here’s how mine began,” says Nicole Maines in a new trailer for...
Quote of the Day: Nicole Maines on Playing TV’s First Trans Superhero in “Supergirl”
“I haven’t really wrapped my head around being a superhero, first of all, and being the first trans superhero on television,” Nicole Maines tells Variety in a new interview. The...
Nicole Maines Joins “Supergirl,” Becomes TV’s First Trans Superhero
“Supergirl” is soaring into the history books. The CW series has cast Nicole Maines in its upcoming fourth season, where she’ll play TV’s first transgender superhero. The...
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