Louis CK’s “So Did the Fat Lady” Is Not The Last — Or The First — Word On Fat Women On TV
Louis CK is getting heaped with accolades for “So Did the Fat Lady,” the third episode of his current season of Louie, which aired Monday night. I get why: it is, in its way, a progressive move...
Pondering Roseanne On Its 25th Anniversary
As we stare down the beginning of another grim new crop of fall television shows, the prospects this year seem even worse in part because of a looming anniversary: twenty-five years ago this...
Roseanne Shows Her Nuts on TV
I am not a person who watches reality shows regularly. I want to slit my wrists when I am at the gym and those Housewives or Kardashians come on. But I have to say I was very intrigued to see that...
Roseanne Pulls Back the Wizard’s Curtain on Network TV and it Ain’t Pretty
I have always loved Roseanne. I love her because she makes people uncomfortable (even me at times.) I love that she says what she believes, damn the consequences. Now, she can say whatever she wants...