Set to make its world premiere at Sundance Film Festival later this month, Blerta Basholli’s “Hive” tells the story of a woman who rebels against her patriarchal society to provide for her family and community. The drama is set in a tight-knit town in Kosovo where families await news about the fate of husbands, fathers, and sons who went to fight in the war.
“I want to start a new business with all the women of Krusha,” Fahrije (Yllka Gashi) announces in a new trailer for the film. Despite being told she’s “daydreaming a lot” and shamed for tarnishing her family’s reputation, Fahrije persists. She acquires her driver’s license and travels to the city where she sells homemade ajvar in a local grocery store. “We’ve been making ajvar all our lives,” she says of the local women. “We know how to make it best.”
“Hive” is based on a true story and marks Basholli’s feature debut. Check out the trailer below. Indiewire premiered the spot.
Sundance Film Festival is virtual this year due to COVID-19 and kicks off January 28. Forty-seven percent of the features set to screen are women-directed or co-directed.