
Trailer Watch: A Mom Attempts to Rejoin the Family She Abandoned in ‘Krisha’

“I have tried to become a better person,” says Krisha (Krisha Fairchild) to explain why she abandoned her family years ago. “I have stayed away while I was healing myself,” she adds optimistically, while scenes of her trying to drink a bottle of wine as quickly as she can belie her words.

A male member of her family cuts through her bullshit. “You are a leaver,” he hisses. “You are heartbreak incarnate.” But the most heartrending moments are when she attempts to tell her grown-up son why she left, and he’s either too broken or too indifferent to take in what she has to say.

Whether Krisha will be able to rejoin her family when she visits them on Thanksgiving forms the crux of this debut film, which was an official selection at this year’s Cannes Critics’ Week and a winner of grand jury and audience awards at SXSW 2015.

“Krisha” opens next March.

Watch: “Rogue One” Clips Tease More of the Latest “Star Wars” Heroine

In anticipation of the arrival of our next “Star Wars” heroine, some new clips and featurettes from “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” have been released. Hitting theaters on December 16,...

Watch: A Female Comedian’s Looks Are Torn Apart by “The Focus Group”

Comedian Sara Benincasa has dreamed up hilarious and horrifying nightmare fodder. Imagine having your style and body mercilessly evaluated by a focus group while in a state of undress. Now witness...

Trailer Watch: The King and the President Cross Paths in Liza Johnson’s ‘Elvis & Nixon’

It takes a lot of chutzpah to send the President of the United States a letter that reads, “I can and will do more good if I am made a Federal Agent at large” — especially when such a...

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