Documentary, Films, Trailers

Trailer Watch: Patricia Arquette and Gloria Steinem Talk Women’s Rights in “Equal Means Equal”

Patricia Arquette in “Equal Means Equal”

Patricia Arquette’s 2015 Oscar speech continues to make waves. The “Boyhood” winner used her time at the podium to call for equal rights and equal pay for women, a demand she’s expounding on in a new documentary written, directed, and produced by “The Eddie Files” actress Kamala Lopez. A trailer has arrived for “Equal Means Equal,” an exploration of how women are treated in the U.S. today. There’s no denying that we’ve made personal and political gains — but how far is the road to achieving gender equality? And where are we currently?

A press release for “Equal Means Equal” reveals that the doc will examine “both real-life stories and precedent-setting legal cases” to uncover “how outdated and discriminatory attitudes inform and influence seemingly disparate issues, from workplace harassment to domestic violence, rape and sexual assault to the foster care system, and the healthcare conglomerate to the judicial system.” Lopez demonstrates “the inadequacy of present laws that claim to protect women, ultimately presenting a compelling and persuasive argument for the urgency of ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment.”

Arquette isn’t the only familiar face featured in “Equal Means Equal.” Gloria Steinem also weighs in. Other interviewees include Lakshmi Puri (Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations), Carolyn Maloney (U.S. Congresswoman), Eleanor Smeal (Co-Founder and President of Feminist Majority), and Terry O’Neill (President of the National Organization for Women)

“Equal Means Equal” opens August 26 in LA and September 2 in NY. You can catch it on Digital HD and On Demand September 6.

Check out the powerful trailer below. In it, Arquette stresses the importance of knowing who lawmakers are and paying attention to “how much they’re prioritizing women.” Other subjects discuss the need for reproductive freedom, with one interviewee saying, “Our reproductive destiny is our economic destiny.”

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