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Trailer Watch: Rust and Bone Starring Marion Cotillard

Marion Cotillard stars in Rust and Bone as Stephanie, a whale trainer, who becomes close with a single father and boxer, Ali, after a devastating accident where she loses her legs. The film had its North American premiere last night in Toronto. Cotillard is as usual fantastic as a woman trying to remake her life after she is forced by the accident to change everything about herself and her life. She is drawn to Ali (Matthias Schoenaerts) a total loser boxer/security guard who has a short fuse and not a lot of options. Since they had only met once before the accident, he has no preconceived notions of who she is and was before. The forge a unllikely bond as they both struggle to move on with their lives. Sony Pictures Classics will release the film this fall.

Watch: “Rogue One” Clips Tease More of the Latest “Star Wars” Heroine

In anticipation of the arrival of our next “Star Wars” heroine, some new clips and featurettes from “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” have been released. Hitting theaters on December 16,...

Watch: A Female Comedian’s Looks Are Torn Apart by “The Focus Group”

Comedian Sara Benincasa has dreamed up hilarious and horrifying nightmare fodder. Imagine having your style and body mercilessly evaluated by a focus group while in a state of undress. Now witness...

Trailer Watch: The King and the President Cross Paths in Liza Johnson’s ‘Elvis & Nixon’

It takes a lot of chutzpah to send the President of the United States a letter that reads, “I can and will do more good if I am made a Federal Agent at large” — especially when such a...

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