
Trailer Watch: Shannon Purser Can’t Stop Catfishing in “Sierra Burgess Is A Loser”

"Sierra Burgess Is A Loser": Netflix

“You are a magnificent beast,” Shannon Purser tells her reflection in a new trailer for “Sierra Burgess Is A Loser.” The Emmy-nominated “Strangers Things” breakout plays the eponymous character in the Netflix pic. Convinced that she’s the one teenager who doesn’t obsess over looks, Sierra has a near-perfect SAT score and her heart set on attending Stanford. But the highschooler is considered a loser by her classmates, and when she strikes up a texting romance with a guy (Noah Centineoshe, “The Fosters”) she’s into, she fears that he’ll come to the same conclusion as them when he actually sees her in person.

The boy in question accidentally texted Sierra when he meant to text Veronica (Kristine Froseth, “Rebel in the Rye”) the queen bee of the mean girls at Sierra’s school. “Of all the phone numbers in the world, he texted mine,” Sierra observes, convinced that it’s a sign that they are meant to be. Plus, since she’s using her own words, she hopes he’s falling for her and not Veronica.

Check out the trailer to see how Sierra and Veronica end up joining forces to keep the catfishing scheme alive.

Written by Lindsey Beer, the modern re-telling of “Cyrano de Bergerac” hits Netflix September 7.

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