Get ready to play “Chain of Fools” on repeat. The latest installment of National Geographic’s anthology series, “Genius,” focuses on Aretha Franklin. Star of stage and...
Maya Rudolph is about to make it rain. The Emmy winner will play a jilted billionaire in an as-yet untitled half-hour comedy series, which has been ordered at Apple. Variety confirmed the news. The...
Mila Kunis enlists the help of Glenn Close in her battle against drug addiction in “Four Good Days.” A trailer for the drama, which is based on a true story, sees Molly (Kunis) begging...
HBO Max is paying tribute to Brittany Murphy. A press release announced that the streamer has a two-part docuseries in the works about the late “Clueless” actress. Directed by Cynthia...
Among the countless grievances of the COVID-19 pandemic is the surge in anti-Asian racism and xenophobia around the world, with unprovoked hate crimes fomented by online conspiracy theories that...
The Emmy-winning director of “Unorthodox’s” latest feature is heading stateside. Bleecker Street scored U.S. rights to Maria Schrader’s “I’m Your Man.” The...
Sonia Kennebeck is a Malaysian-born, New York City-based independent filmmaker and investigative journalist with 17 years of directing and producing experience. Her most recent documentary thriller,...
Kateryna Gornostai’s feature debut has secured U.S. distribution following its world premiere at the Berlinale. Altered Innocence snagged rights to “Stop-Zemlia,” a Ukrainian coming-of-age...
For three years, Mei Makino taught filmmaking to youth in the Austin area, inspiring her to tell honest stories about kids and teens. She’s written and directed short films that have played at The...
Mallory Everton is best known for being one of the original writer-actors on the sketch comedy show “Studio C” and for her role in the Purple Mattress Raw Egg Test commercial. She also...
Emmy and BAFTA-nominated director Ursula Macfarlane is known for making films which combine the epic with the intimate, often focusing on marginalized communities or victims of trauma. Her feature...
A nightmare unfolds at sea in “The Last Cruise,” Hannah Olson’s short doc revisiting the early days of COVID-19 and the Diamond Princess Cruise Ship’s ill-fated journey from...
Mary Wharton has dedicated her career to making documentaries about music. Her work includes “Joan Baez: How Sweet the Sound,” which premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival and...
Lindsey Ferrentino is bringing “Amy and the Orphans” to Netflix. The playwright is set to make her feature directorial debut with the adaptation of her stage show. Variety broke the...
Lissette Feliciano is a writer, director, producer, and a graduate of Tisch School of the Arts. She is a Tribeca Film Institute AT&T Untold Stories grant recipient, was named as one of Shoot...
Andra Day is paying tribute to Billie Holiday and the jazz singer’s life-changing effect on her. Her leading performance in “The United States vs. Billie Holiday” has already earned...
Emily Cohen Ibañez is a Latinx Colombian-American filmmaker who earned her doctorate in Anthropology with a certificate in Culture and Media at New York University. Her film work pairs lyricism with...
Mari Walker is an award-winning director, writer, and editor. Films she has worked on have been screened at numerous film festivals including Sundance, SXSW, Frameline, and Outfest. Walker’s...
Eve and Villanelle’s twisted love story is coming to an end. BBC America announced that “Killing Eve’s” upcoming fourth season will be its last, but the network is...
Leah Purcell is a proud Goa-Gungarri-Wakka Wakka Murri woman from Queensland, Australia. She is an internationally acclaimed playwright, screenwriter, director, novelist, actor, cultural icon, and...
“Jumbo” is about a shy young woman who experiences a sexual awakening when she falls in love with an amusement park ride — but more than that, Zoé Wittock’s feature...
Danielle Kummer is a director, producer, and editor from London who studied film and media at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. Producer and director Lucy Harvey spent 17 years as a stylist...
“Quo Vadis, Aida?” is celebrating its VOD release date with an Oscar nomination. Jasmila Žbanić’s war drama is up for Best International Feature at the 93rd edition of the Oscars. Set in...
“Nomadland” is continuing its hot streak. The USC Libraries Scripter Awards were held in an online ceremony on Saturday and the writers behind the drama, Chloé Zhao and Jessica Bruder,...
Alba Sotorra Clua has worked in Syria, Afghanistan, Korea, Bosnia, Cuba, the US, Guatemala, England, Iran, Pakistan, Puerto Rico, and Qatar, and has lived long periods in the Middle East. Her films...
Jasmila Žbanić is a Bosnian writer, director, and producer. Her feature debut “Grbavica” won the 2006 Berlinale Golden Bear. She followed it up with 2010’s “On the...
Sisters Emily and Sarah Kunstler are the founders of Off Center Media, a documentary production company dedicated to racial justice and social change. Shortlisted for the Best Documentary Academy...
For the first time in its 93-year history, the Academy Awards has a Best Director race that includes two women nominees. Oscar nominations are in, and Chloé Zhao and Emerald Fennell both landed...
Hannaleena Hauru is a Finnish screenwriter and director. Her debut feature, “Thick Lashes of Lauri Mäntyvaara” (2016), was developed at Torino Film Lab and Cannes Cinéfondation...
“Introducing, Selma Blair” has lined up distribution ahead of its world premiere at SXSW next week. A press release confirms Rachel Fleit’s first feature doc has been acquired by...
Paola Calvo is a Venezuelan director and cinematographer. In 2012, Calvo directed “A Tale of two Islands,” a two-channel video installation that was shown at Berlinale Forum Expanded. Wanting to...
Tiffany Haddish is joining another comic adaptation. The Emmy winner is following up “The Kitchen” with “Mystery Girl,” a Netflix feature adaptation of the Dark House comic of...
Andrea Blaugrund Nevins is an Academy Award-nominated, Emmy-winning director, producer, and writer. Her credits include “Still Kicking,” “The Other F Word,” “Play It...
Davita Scarlett is setting up shop at CBS Studios. The writer and producer has signed a multi-year overall deal to develop new projects for the studios on all platforms, Deadline reports. “The...
Stacey Gregg is a Belfast and London based writer, director, and performer working across film, TV, and theater. She is currently developing several original television drama series including...
Yngvild Sve Flikke wrote and directed dramas and documentaries for the Norwegian National Broadcasting (NRK) for 17 years before making her feature film debut with “Women in Oversized Men’s...
The Writers Lab is crossing the pond. A press release announced that the program for women screenwriters aged 40 or older is launching a new edition: The Writers Lab U.K. & Ireland. Supported by...
A British actor who has worked extensively in television, theater, film, and radio, Caroline Catz is also an accomplished film director and writer. Catz’s films include “A Message to the...
Toni Collette’s stepping into a new role. The Oscar-nominated and Emmy-winning actor is set to make her feature directorial debut with an adaptation of “Writers and Lovers” for...
Natalie Morales is an actor, director, writer, and activist. “Dead to Me,” “Battle of the Sexes,” and “Abby’s” are among her on-screen credits. Her directing...
Created by 19-year-old Zelda Barnz and her father, Daniel Barnz, “Genera+ion” invites us to tag along with an eclectic group of teenagers in the hallways of their high school and at home...
SXSW 2021 is just around the corner. Set to take place March 16-21, the 35th edition of Austin-based fest is digital this year due to COVID-19. With more than half of the films set to screen in...
Natalie Portman and Lupita Nyong’o are coming to the small screen. Deadline reports that the Oscar winners are both set to take on their first major TV roles in Apple TV+’s “Lady in...
New York Women in Film & Television (NYWIFT) is accepting applications for the latest cycle of its Women’s Film Preservation Fund (WFPF) until May 1. Since 1995, the fund has awarded grants to...
“I had an abusive life. There’s no other way to tell the story,” Tina Turner says in the new trailer for “Tina.” The rock superstar discusses her struggles and triumphs...
The story of the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team’s 2019 FIFA victory and push for equal pay is headed to HBO Max. A press release has announced “LFG” — as in...
“Enemies of the State” has found a home. IFC Films snagged North American rights to Sonia Kennebeck’s doc about alleged Wikileaks courier and Anonymous hacker Matt DeHart, a press...
Elizabeth Banks is moving on from ass-kicking Angels to a headline-making black bear. The “Charlie’s Angels” helmer is set to direct “Cocaine Bear” for Universal, The...
“The Powerpuff Girls” has found its director. Maggie Kiley has signed on to helm the pilot of The CW’s live-action take on the iconic Cartoon Network animated series, The Hollywood...
Chloé Zhao’s historic awards season just reached another milestone. The Directors Guild of America has announced the nominees for the 2021 DGA Awards, and the “Nomadland” filmmaker...
The story of Dana Franklin is headed to the small screen. According to The Hollywood Reporter, FX has ordered a pilot for “Kindred,” an adaptation of Octavia E. Butler’s seminal...
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