Upon its 2013 release “Frozen” captured the hearts of millions of fans around the world, rewrote the rules of Disney princesses by celebrating empowered sisters who don’t need to be...
Anna and Elsa’s venture “Into the Unknown” turned out to be extremely lucrative. “Frozen II” netted $127 million domestically and $223.3 million abroad — $350.2...
A newly released TV spot for “Frozen” sees Olaf (Josh Gad) wondering if being put into mortal danger is “going to be a regular thing.” Based on the footage, the answer is yes:...
In the new trailer for “Frozen II,” Elsa (Idina Menzel) seems a little off — at least according to her sister, Anna (Kristen Bell). Turns out some mystical force has been calling to...
Elsa is following in Arya Stark’s footsteps and embarking on an epic mission into the unknown. A trailer has dropped for “Frozen 2,” and sees Disney’s game-changing sisters,...
Disney is getting a much-needed revamp. Jennifer Lee has officially been named chief creative officer of Walt Disney Animation Studios, Deadline confirms. The news comes following the announcement...
Last week, Disney announced that Jennifer Lee, writer of the hit Wreck-It Ralph, will be co-directing their 53rd full length animated feature film, Frozen. Lee will become the 2nd woman to helm...
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